• Lyngfelt, Ben, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara, Tiago Timponi Torrent. (Eds.) 2018. Constructicography: Constructicon Development across Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1075/cal.22
  • Ohara, Kyoko. 2018. Relations between frames and constructions: A proposal from the Japanese FrameNet Constructicon. In Lyngfelt, B. et al. (Eds.) Constructicography: Constructicon Development across Languages, 141-164. Download
  • Ohara, Kyoko Hirose. 2018. Internally headed relativization and its related constructions. In Y. Hasegawa (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ohara, Kyoko Hirose, Daisuke Kawahara, Satoshi Sekine, and Kentaro Inui. 2018. Linking Japanese FrameNet with Kyoto University Case Frames Using Crowdsourcing. Proceedings of LREC2018 International FrameNet Workshop 2018: Multilingual Framenets and Constructicons, 56-61. http://lrec-conf.org/workshops/lrec2018/W5/pdf/book_of_proceedings.pdf
  • Kawahara, Daisuke, Kyoko Ohara, Satoshi Sekine, & Kentaro Inui. 2018. Linking Japanese FrameNet and Kyoto University Case Frames through Crowdsourcing (In Japanese). Proceedings of NLP2018, pp.706-709.
  • Ohara, Kyoko & Yoshiko Okubo. 2018. Evaluation of Japanese FrameNet through a Japanese-English Contrastive Children’s Book (In Japanese). Proceedings of NLP2018, pp. 1112-1114. Download
  • Ohara, Kyoko Hirose. 2018. Inside the Japanese Constructicon: A Partial Network of Constructions involving Internally Headed Relativization. Talk given at the 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG10), Paris, July 16th, 2018.
  • Ohara, Kyoko Hirose. 2018. Comparability of Frames in Bilingual Children’s Books. Talk given at the Workshop on Issues in Multilingual Frame Semantics, Universität Leipzig, October 10th, 2018.