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Global FrameNet (https://www.globalframenet.org)


“Integration of Semantic Frames and Case Frames using Crowdsourcing to Build Intelligent Natural Language Understanding Systems” Keio Next Generation Research Project (Integration of Humanities and Sciences) Kyoko Ohara (PI), Satoshi Sekine (RIKEN), Daisuke Kawahara (Waseda University), Ryohei Sasano (Nagoya University)


“Building a large-scale resource of semantic frame knowledge using crowdsourcing and NLP” Joint Project with RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligent Project (AIP). (Satoshi Sekine, Daisuke Kawahara, Ryohei Sasano, and Kyoko Ohara)


“Building a Japanese Constructicon Based on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar” from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara)


“Japanese FrameNet Database” from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara)


“Linguistic Resource for Understanding Sentential Meanings based on Semantic Frames and Corpora” from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) . (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara)

2012 & 2013

Subcontracts from NINJAL “Semantic Frame Annotation to BCCWJ OW core data” (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara)


“Japanese FrameNet: A Lexicon and Constructicon Building Project based on Semantic Frames and the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese.”The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara)


“Japanese FrameNet: A Frame-semantic Japanese Lexicon Based on Corpus Data.”The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT). (PI: Hiroaki Saito)


“Frame-based Japanese-English Bilingual Lexicon” Japan-U.S. Cooperative Science Program, Bilateral Joint Project, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS). (PI: Kyoko Hirose Ohara), Charles J. Fillmore, Yoko Hasegawa, Russell Lee-Goldman.